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Tips And Articles From Our New York Sidewalk Violation Repair Experts

How Tree Roots Cause Damage to Sidewalks in New York City?

Planting trees not only enhances the beauty and aesthetics of the city but also benefits the environment. However, installing trees near a concrete pathway can cause extensive damage to it.…

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Common Types of Sidewalk Damage in NYC and Their Causes

Sidewalks in New York City face a constant battle against the elements. Over time, weather, wear and tear, and heavy foot traffic can all contribute to cracks, uneven surfaces, and other types of damage.…

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3 Steps To Resolve Your New York City Sidewalk Violations

Life can be a bit hectic here in the New York City area at times, and if you have a sidewalk violation hanging over you, it can only make things more stressful.

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When to Get a Sidewalk Repair for Your Property in NYC

Maintaining a beautiful, durable sidewalk is essential for keeping your commercial property in NYC both attractive and up-to-code. This means you need to stay on top of your sidewalk repair needs. Of course, it’s not always easy to know when to keep up with your sidewalk, especially in the midst of your busy life as a commercial property owner. However, you need to be diligent about your sidewalk repairs for a number of reasons:...

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Tips to Keep in Mind If You Ever Get a Sidewalk Violation Notice

So, it’s happened: Your sidewalk sustained some damage, and now you’ve got a Department of Transportation (DOT) sidewalk violation on your hands. This problem may seem stressful at first glance, but we assure you it’s far more manageable than it may first appear. You just need to keep these few helpful tips in mind the next time your New York business gets slapped with a sidewalk violation...

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Dealing With DOB Emergency Repairs

Our city is all about hustle and bustle and that can add extra wear and tear to public spaces. In a city that never sleeps, it means this wear and tear happens around the clock, as well as the need for emergency repairs. This is especially critical for surfaces like sidewalks that take on so much foot traffic and can be the cause of personal injury. The last thing you want is for someone to get hurt or for your to be liable for...

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How To Avoid DOT Sidewalk Violations In New York City

Getting a NYC DOT sidewalk violation is not something any local business wants but for good reason, the Department of Transportation performs sidewalk inspections and gives out violations when business owners fail to responsibly maintain their sidewalks....

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Pros & Cons of Stucco

Did you know that stucco was commonly used in Greece over 1,000 years ago? And here it is, still being used all these centuries later in New York, as well as all around the world.…

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Are Parapet Walls Right For Your New York Property?

The uses of a parapet wall in today's society are much different than the original purposes it was designed to serve back when it was originally designed. Back around the time of its inception, this particular type of wall was primarily used as a form of protection for anyone on the rooftop that was trying to repel possible invaders on the ground below…

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Common Types Of Sidewalk Violations

There are a number of things here in the New York area that can have a severe impact on the condition of your property's sidewalks. No matter how much effort you put into maintaining your property's sidewalk areas, there are going to be some things that are just beyond your control. Between aging, inclement weather…

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4 Steps To Take To Have Sidewalk Violation Removed

If you are like most New York property owners, one of the last things you want to have to spend your time doing is dealing the the Department of Transportation to have a sidewalk violation removed. Unfortunately, most property owners will have to deal with this at some point or another, and when it happens, there a number of steps that you are going to want to follow in order to have everything…

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If you are looking for more articles and tips on NY Sidewalk Violations Repair then please call 718-819-7770 or complete our online request form.
